Au revoir, California... bonjour Paris! I'm here, safe and sound and I've finally, after over two weeks of being away from the states, gotten the chance to sit down and relax in a coffee shop after class. I have been planning on blogging my trip, and after many reminders from family members to start blogging my trip (Hi Grandma Barbara) I am so happy to finally get the chance to start writing!
Paris is unreal to say the least. I am already in love with this incredible city and can't wait to see it all through my eyes. Hanna, Jordan and I have received lists and lists from excited friends and family on pointers of where to go, and we have so much to cover we don't even know where to begin.
The moms have gone and we are officially on our own, Hanna and I are finally settled into our small but very authentic parisian studios on the right bank of the Seine in the 12th arrondissement. After our 2 week intensive "early start" french course ends, we will be moving down the street into a 4 girl apartment for the remainder of the semester. Our new CEA Program group is a blend of kids from all over the US, from Washington D.C. to Philly to Seattle and we have had the greatest first weekend together exploring the streets and Paris nightlife... let's just say we are a lot like the blind leading the blind, but we have so much fun because of it. As long as I'm not the one leading the pack, we usually are in pretty good shape.
Although I didn't know a word of French coming into this, and I've found that having taken 5 years of Spanish in the past just confuses me more than helps me, but I have also found that you can pick up the day-to-day necessary phrases very quickly. It's such a beautiful language that I find myself eavesdropping on EVERYONE... so creepy but I admire the flow of the language and trying to decipher their conversation from what little class I've had.
I'm so excited for what the next semester will bring and to keep all my treasured experiences, favorite places and memories in this blog. If you are reading this, its too late. (Just kidding hahaha ha ha) If you are reading this, I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing it!