Ysabel Sullivan | San Luis Obispo, CA
Ysabel is a fourth-year Journalism student pursuing a degree concentration in Public Relations with a minor in Digital Photography and Videography at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. Here, she is gaining first hand experience in broadcast and public relations journalism, including feature writing, website building, social media management, reporting and digital work.
Ysabel has a passion for writing. From a young age she has been fascinated with how powerful the written word is and how vital writing is in all aspects of our lives. Being able to get her thoughts across to others in an ethical, professional, concise and eloquent way is something she is a skill she always striving towards. She is hoping to use her passion for both written and verbal communication to obtain a job opportunity to further these skills.
One day she hopes to be able to work with the opportunity to travel and travel and travel, taking photography, videography and writing on the cultures and customs she explores. She loves native advertising, sponsored content and content creating, and she is hoping to have a career where she can use her skills and passions to cultivate environments of positive change.
She spends just about her life savings on music festivals, plane flights and camera lenses… and she wouldn’t have it any other way!
Reach out!
Email : ysabelsullivan11@gmail.com
Cell : 925.640.8786
IG : @ysabelmarie & currently managing @calpolyalphaphi & @slobrew
All photos shot by Ysabel unless otherwise noted. Enjoy!